7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family
St. Agatha Chapel on the Kristberg
More than 500 years of Vorarlberg history
Visit the Montafon's oldest church, whose history is very tightly knit with the interesting miner's period on the Kristberg.
Experience a piece of cultural history during your holiday on the Kristberg and visit the historically valuable St. Agatha miner's chapel.

The legendary Kristberg church
Built around 1400, the Agatha church was first mentioned in a document in 1450. Legend has it that the church was built due to the vows of buried miners when they prayed to be rescued. The church was then constructed after the mine disaster, exactly where the former mine's exit had been. So the deep roots of the St. Agatha chapel in the history of the miners on the Kristberg are fairly obvious.
Agatha of Catania
The miner's chapel was dedicated to the patroness of forge and bell-founders, Agatha of Catania, referring to the copper and silver mining on the Kristberg.
Cultural-historically valuable
The Agatha church was first extended and refurbished already around the year 1500. The altar and the presbytery date back to this time. The plain rectangular building with trigonal east-facing choir and west-facing narthex is also architecturally interesting. The spiry sacristy extension with gabled roof and belfry on the south of the choir as well as the ogival tracery windows with their flamboyant perpendicular style delight architecture enthusiasts from all over the world.