Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool

Timetable in snow time (December to April)

The cable car runs daily (7.45 am to 6.15 pm and/or on weekdays until 6.45 pm) from 13 December 2024 until 6 April 2025.

7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15 9:45
10:15 10:45 11:15 12:00 12:20
12:45 13:15 13:45 14:15 14:45
15:15 15:45 16:15 16:54 17:15
17:45 18:15 18:45*    

Trips between times for 6 persons and more with a 10-minute wait.
* only on weekdays, the last trip is at 6.45 pm
The travel times indicated apply to the valley station. The valley descents take place approx. 5 minutes later.

IMPORTANT!!! On days when there is (very) much going on, we run continuously. This means that there is an ascent or descent approximately every 10 minutes, as we only have one 35-person gondola.

The joy of hiking
The joy of hiking
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

3 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with mountain biking
3 booking dates available

3 nights with mountain bike active time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with running and hight training
3 booking dates available

3 nights with running and altitude training

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with fishing
3 booking dates available

3 nights with relaxed fishing time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with motorcycle
3 booking dates available

3 nights with lots of driving fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with cross country skiing
2 booking dates available

3 nights with pure cross-country fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snowshoe hiking
2 booking dates available

3 nights with a very special experience of nature on snowshoe

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snow hiking
2 booking dates available

3 nights with the real winter hiking dream


*Price per person
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal

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Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Book & Enquire