Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool

Forest School Montafon

Experience the forest from a whole new side

In the middle of the Silbertal Kritberg you will find Vorarlberg's first forest school. Here you can walk through the alpine forest with all your senses; smell, feel and really experience nature. This experience engrosses adults and children alike. A visit at the forest school Montafon is especially recommended for families.

The forest school Montafon is run by the Stand Montafon forest administration and offers a great range of various guided hikes.

In balance with nature in the Montafon

In the forest school on the Kristberg you will learn all sorts of interesting facts and thrilling stories about the Montafon alpine habitat. What kind of animals live in the forest around the Panoramagasthof? What are the trees called and why is the forest so important for the Montafon locals?

Guided hikes with the forest school

In order to understand nature you best experience it. In the forest school Montafon, the appreciation for the forest is sharpened and the visitors will learn about the natural coherence in the natural environment.

The forest school Montafon offers activities for every visitor.

Kindergarten and school

The Montafon alpine forest offers thrilling adventures for the youngest guests all year round. At the forest school, the children will learn for example about the “Colours of the Forest” or “A Bug's Life”.


Children and parents discover the specialities of the Montafon forest with a forest teacher. Who lives in the forest and who lives of the forest?

Adults and guests

During the winter there are snowshoe hikes offered, during spring, summer and autumn the forest school offers various themed guided hikes on request.

Make a reservation for one of the hikes at the Stand Montafon, call +43 5556 721320 or send an e-mail.

Your nature experience on the Kristberg

Are you interested in a guided hike, with your family or alone? Make your reservation for a hike by telephone and call +43 5556 721320.

The attentive hotel team at the Kristberg Panoramagasthof will gladly take care of the booking for your unforgettable nature experience at the forest school Montafon. Send us your no-obligation holiday enquiry for your comfortable room or family apartment on the Kristberg.

The joy of hiking
The joy of hiking
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

3 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with mountain biking
3 booking dates available

3 nights with mountain bike active time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with running and hight training
3 booking dates available

3 nights with running and altitude training

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with fishing
3 booking dates available

3 nights with relaxed fishing time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with motorcycle
3 booking dates available

3 nights with lots of driving fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with cross country skiing
Winter.Sport.Montafon Sun, Mar. 23. 2025 - Sun, Apr. 6. 2025
1 booking date available

3 nights with pure cross-country fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snowshoe hiking
Winter.Sport.Montafon Sun, Mar. 23. 2025 - Sun, Apr. 6. 2025
1 booking date available

3 nights with a very special experience of nature on snowshoe

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snow hiking
Winter.Sport.Montafon Sun, Mar. 23. 2025 - Sun, Apr. 6. 2025
1 booking date available

3 nights with the real winter hiking dream


*Price per person
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal

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Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Book & Enquire