7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family
Point of Echo
Experience the Silbertal echo
What goes around comes around – just like the echo on the Kristberg. The best point to test the Silbertal echo is right in front of the Kristberg Panoramagasthof. The popular sonic phenomenon has delighted our Kristberg guest over and over again.

The Silbertal echo is real
The “flute player from the Kristberghof” himself discovered the point of echo right in front of the Panoramagasthof and built a stone with footprints on said spot. Whoever stands there and calls out in the right direction will be able to hear his or her voice multiplied and reflected by the mountains.

A natural phenomenon in the mountains
An echo occurs as soon as sound hits an obstacle and is reflected by it. Especially in the mountains, this often happens because the person calling is in the middle of mountain walls.
Because the natural phenomenon is so beautiful, the "flute player from Kristberghof" has published two whole albums of the Silbertaler Echo. "So klingt's im Silbertal" episodes 1 and 2 are available for purchase at Panoramagasthof Kristberg.
Would you like a musical sample?
Experience the Echo from the Silbertal
Test the echo of the Silbertal and communicate with the Montafon mountains. You will find the cozy room for this in the Superior Panoramagasthof Kristberg. Send your non-binding booking request now.