Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool

Travel package contract

Standard information form for travel package contracts

The legal template (obligation to inform) is available as PDF file

Within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, the combination of travel services offered is a package.

Therefore, this contract will fall under all EU rights applying to packages. Company Panoramagasthof Kristberg GmbH & Co KG will be fully responsible for the proper fulfilment of the package as a whole.

Additionally company Panoramagasthof Kristberg GmbH & Co KG has/have protection in place, as required by law, to refund your payments in the event that it becomes/they become insolvent.

More information on key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302 can be found here (

Key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302

Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the travel package contract.

At least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract.

Travellers are given an emergency telephone number (+43 5556 72290) or details of a contact point (please see address at the bottom page) where they can get in touch with the organiser.

Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possible subject to additional costs.

The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance, fuel prices) and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8 % of the total price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs.

Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, have changed significantly. If the trader responsible for the package cancels the package before the start of the journey, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate.

Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination, which are likely to affect the package.

Additionally, travellers may terminate at any time before the start of the journey the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee.

If, after the start of the journey, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not fulfilled in accordance with the contract, this substantially affects the performance of the package, and the organiser fails to remedy the problem.

Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation for damages where the travel services are not fulfilled or are improperly performed.

The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. The emergency telephone number (+43 5556 72290) and the contact point (please see address at the bottom page).

If the organiser or, in some Member States, the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured. The Panoramagasthof Kristberg GmbH & Co KG has taken out insolvency protection with the TVA-Tourismusversicherungs-agentur GmbH, Ferstlgasse 6, 1090 Wien, Tel.: +43 1 361 90 77 0, @-mail: und Web: Travellers may contact the TVA-Tourismusversicherungs-agentur GmbH, Ferstlgasse 6, 1090 Wien, Tel.: +43 1 361 90 77 0, @-mail: und Web: if services aren`t fulfilled because of the Panoramagasthof Kristberg GmbH & Co KG insolvency.

Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law (


Contact point:

Panoramagasthof Kristberg GmbH & Co KG
Kristbergstraße 47
6782 Silbertal im Montafon

UID Nr. ATU 50970800

T: +43 5556 72290
F: +43 5556 72290 5


Management: Jürgen Zudrell
Company line: Gastronomy, Hotel Business
Company register: FN 197137h
Company court: Landesgericht Feldkirch
Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bludenz

Hotel Contract -
Imprint -
Data protection declaration Austria -


The joy of hiking
The joy of hiking
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with Family Hiking Fun
3 booking dates available

3 nights with hiking fun for the whole family

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with mountain biking
3 booking dates available

3 nights with mountain bike active time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with running and hight training
3 booking dates available

3 nights with running and altitude training

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with fishing
3 booking dates available

3 nights with relaxed fishing time

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with motorcycle
3 booking dates available

3 nights with lots of driving fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with cross country skiing
2 booking dates available

3 nights with pure cross-country fun

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snowshoe hiking
2 booking dates available

3 nights with a very special experience of nature on snowshoe

*Price per person
Kristberg Wellbeing with snow hiking
2 booking dates available

3 nights with the real winter hiking dream


*Price per person
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal
Full moon legend hike in Silbertal

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Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Direkt booking

Direct booking benefits

  • "Best price guarantee
  • Indulgence packages can only be booked directly with us
  • From 7 nights in the Naturzeit, you get the WildPass Montafon Brandnertal completely "free of charge
  • All free options are only listed in our booking tool
Book & Enquire